As you have probaly alrady have seen have I spend some time changing my blogs style. Do you like it? pleas let me know in the comments below becouse if you don't like it you can just say it and I will think of something else. But this is not everything I wanted to talk about so lets get to the review.
From the 34 games I have I have chosen: Mass Effect 3. Why I have chosen this first is becouse this was the first game I bougd. I got a lot of games for my parents and that's one reason I love them but let's get to the review.
The story is really good. I think that it is as good as the story from GTA 5 but I have one complain about it and that is that some of the caracters are not well explained. you will only know them if you have played the other games. It is an good story and it was the first game that made me cry at the end.
The gameplay is really good but some of the butten choices were a bit weard and one butten was really wrong. You do nearly every thing with space and that wil sometimes do differend thing then you want. I also didn't like that sprint was space becouse shift was quick menu and I pressed it so much to sprint that I later configured it to be shift.
It is an beautiful game and not to difficult to run game and that makes it enjoyable to watch and play. Only with some of the ingame visuals they kept playing unles you got closer. that is disappointing EA.
And that is it I guess. It is an really fun game to play and watch and I would really recomend it but then for pc and not for xbox or play station. I give the game an 8.
and there you have it. If you liked it pleas leave an +1. It helps me a whole load and until next time.
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