woensdag 27 augustus 2014

Why Abe!! Why???

Eey all!!!

I know I am currently not doing much with my blog but it is like school and every thing has began again and I am just really busy. but there is good news to!!!

My 50th blog post special will be coming soon. We finally have a winner. There was a tie for a long time but the Q and A has won!! but now I still need questions. so if you have a question for me then please tweet them me @abewriting or here https://twitter.com/AbeWriting

And now the title!! Why you might ask yourself. well I have been challenged to do the ALS Ice bucket challenge but I am not going to do it. And then the Why! because it is that a lot of people do the challenge but don't donate money. They just do it because it is a trend. And I hate it when people do that because then I think the whole point of the challenge has failed. And in my town a lot of people don't use ice water but just normal water. That is why I am not going to do it. But if you really want me to do it then comment or tweet me that you want and then show someone who uses real ice water and challenges me. then I will do it.

I am currently listening to the radio. that is not special you might ask yourself but for me it is. I don't listen to the radio often. I found this Dutch site that does all radio stations so yea I use that to listen to the radio.

Syndicate has done it guys!! He is the first person on earth who has a million twitch followers. If you have helped him, then you are awesome. He is my favourite youtuber and he has done the ice bucket challenge right. So much love and many syndicate.

And then here comes my new outro because it will have all the links to all my things. not that it is much but I would like to get some followers and via those links you can follow me :)

So I am going to leave it here. If you want to see more you can follow my blog or follow me on other things as well if you would like to. you can do that here:
or you can follow by e-mail on the right side
But until next time...


zaterdag 16 augustus 2014

Here I am again!

Eey all!!

Here I am again like I said.

I am currently still watching the stream. If you aren't then please do and follow his stream to here: http://www.twitch.tv/syndicate

I am still thinking about my special. It is currently a tie between an Q&A and vlog a day of my life. I am thinking I could maybe do both. Like vlog a day of my life with sometimes a question during vloging. but I could do some gameplay with it that it will be one long video. If you have some question's for me then please tweet them @AbeWriting or go to https://twitter.com/AbeWriting

yes this is my announcement to my twitter account. I hope I am going to post a bit on there because I don't post a lot on twitter so lets see!

Sorry this is so short but yea. the stream is busy and I really don't want to miss it so see you soon...


Help him!!

Eey all!!

This blog post is not going to be long. but please go to this link: http://www.twitch.tv/syndicate and make an account and follow tom syndicate. he is my favourite youtuber and livestreamer and nearly has 1.000.000 followers. So please help me and him. I am going to post soon a bigger post but first I need to do this.

So if you liked this post then please leave a +1 and follow my blog for more. Please still vote on my poll for what I sould do for my 50th blog post special.http://strawpoll.me/2300891
 but untill next time...


zaterdag 9 augustus 2014

Something has gone wrong?!

Eey all!!

I notiched that when I yesterday wanted to check if someone has voted on the strawpoll, that it didn't work.

So then here is a new link and I hope this will work:

You can also embed it in you post so that is here(if it works)
<iframe src="http://strawpoll.me/embed_1/2300891" style="width: 600px; height: 390px; border: 0;">Loading poll...</iframe>

So yea! I am still thinking. I found yesterday a new dj. his name is Monstercat and I really like flight from him. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVMuwa-HRCQ
Warning it is a bit loud so yea. I think it is a really good song but I like the bass a bit louder. On my pc I can put it a bit louder via software but I sadly can't on the laptop.

I think I am going to save money for a new gaming/editing pc. Because I really want to start on youtube but my pc can't handle it very good. It can do a bit of recording but when I am going to play harder games(metro lastlight) it doesn't even handle it without recording so recording isn't going to work. Parts list here: http://azerty.nl/winkelmandje/winkelmandje/?legen=1&product%5B634347%5D=1&product%5B609124%5D=1&product%5B630966%5D=1&product%5B635087%5D=1&product%5B620105%5D=1&product%5B683487%5D=1&product%5B562973%5D=1
It is on a dutch site but that is were I live so deal with it. hihi.
I know the computer case is missing but that is going to be a "corsair carbide 380t" but that isn't available right now.

I think I am going to leave it here for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow for more, it helps a lot. you can also follow me on bloglovin, that you can do here: https://www.bloglovin.com/abeie12
but until next time...


vrijdag 8 augustus 2014

I am back!!

Eey all!!

How are you doing?? I am doing great!

I am back from my vacation and have done nothing really. I have gamed a lot and don't know what I should write.

I am thinking of something to do for my blog special. you can help me here:

I hope you guys can help me and that we can come to a thing. PS: if I vlog a day of my life it will probably be in a week or so because then school has began and it will be a lot more interesting :)

I don't know if the spelling of this post will be all right because typing isn't going to well and my brain is off so I can't think very well.

On my vacation I got 2 games from my dad. Assassin's creed 4(skull edition) and crysis 3(hunter edition). it are 2 very good games but crysis is pretty hard with a controler. I got the games for my xbox 360.

Yesterday I went to my uncle and aunt. When we got there we first went cycling and then my uncle and I cooked dinner for us. then we went walking for a long while because we were lost at some point because the map was out of date.

I think I going to leave it here for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow the blog for more, it really helps a lot. But until next time....
