vrijdag 8 augustus 2014

I am back!!

Eey all!!

How are you doing?? I am doing great!

I am back from my vacation and have done nothing really. I have gamed a lot and don't know what I should write.

I am thinking of something to do for my blog special. you can help me here:

I hope you guys can help me and that we can come to a thing. PS: if I vlog a day of my life it will probably be in a week or so because then school has began and it will be a lot more interesting :)

I don't know if the spelling of this post will be all right because typing isn't going to well and my brain is off so I can't think very well.

On my vacation I got 2 games from my dad. Assassin's creed 4(skull edition) and crysis 3(hunter edition). it are 2 very good games but crysis is pretty hard with a controler. I got the games for my xbox 360.

Yesterday I went to my uncle and aunt. When we got there we first went cycling and then my uncle and I cooked dinner for us. then we went walking for a long while because we were lost at some point because the map was out of date.

I think I going to leave it here for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow the blog for more, it really helps a lot. But until next time....


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