zaterdag 9 augustus 2014

Something has gone wrong?!

Eey all!!

I notiched that when I yesterday wanted to check if someone has voted on the strawpoll, that it didn't work.

So then here is a new link and I hope this will work:

You can also embed it in you post so that is here(if it works)
<iframe src="" style="width: 600px; height: 390px; border: 0;">Loading poll...</iframe>

So yea! I am still thinking. I found yesterday a new dj. his name is Monstercat and I really like flight from him. Link here:
Warning it is a bit loud so yea. I think it is a really good song but I like the bass a bit louder. On my pc I can put it a bit louder via software but I sadly can't on the laptop.

I think I am going to save money for a new gaming/editing pc. Because I really want to start on youtube but my pc can't handle it very good. It can do a bit of recording but when I am going to play harder games(metro lastlight) it doesn't even handle it without recording so recording isn't going to work. Parts list here:
It is on a dutch site but that is were I live so deal with it. hihi.
I know the computer case is missing but that is going to be a "corsair carbide 380t" but that isn't available right now.

I think I am going to leave it here for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow for more, it helps a lot. you can also follow me on bloglovin, that you can do here:
but until next time...


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