woensdag 27 augustus 2014
Why Abe!! Why???
I know I am currently not doing much with my blog but it is like school and every thing has began again and I am just really busy. but there is good news to!!!
My 50th blog post special will be coming soon. We finally have a winner. There was a tie for a long time but the Q and A has won!! but now I still need questions. so if you have a question for me then please tweet them me @abewriting or here https://twitter.com/AbeWriting
And now the title!! Why you might ask yourself. well I have been challenged to do the ALS Ice bucket challenge but I am not going to do it. And then the Why! because it is that a lot of people do the challenge but don't donate money. They just do it because it is a trend. And I hate it when people do that because then I think the whole point of the challenge has failed. And in my town a lot of people don't use ice water but just normal water. That is why I am not going to do it. But if you really want me to do it then comment or tweet me that you want and then show someone who uses real ice water and challenges me. then I will do it.
I am currently listening to the radio. that is not special you might ask yourself but for me it is. I don't listen to the radio often. I found this Dutch site that does all radio stations so yea I use that to listen to the radio.
Syndicate has done it guys!! He is the first person on earth who has a million twitch followers. If you have helped him, then you are awesome. He is my favourite youtuber and he has done the ice bucket challenge right. So much love and many syndicate.
And then here comes my new outro because it will have all the links to all my things. not that it is much but I would like to get some followers and via those links you can follow me :)
So I am going to leave it here. If you want to see more you can follow my blog or follow me on other things as well if you would like to. you can do that here:
or you can follow by e-mail on the right side
But until next time...
zaterdag 16 augustus 2014
Here I am again!
Here I am again like I said.
I am currently still watching the stream. If you aren't then please do and follow his stream to here: http://www.twitch.tv/syndicate
I am still thinking about my special. It is currently a tie between an Q&A and vlog a day of my life. I am thinking I could maybe do both. Like vlog a day of my life with sometimes a question during vloging. but I could do some gameplay with it that it will be one long video. If you have some question's for me then please tweet them @AbeWriting or go to https://twitter.com/AbeWriting
yes this is my announcement to my twitter account. I hope I am going to post a bit on there because I don't post a lot on twitter so lets see!
Sorry this is so short but yea. the stream is busy and I really don't want to miss it so see you soon...
Help him!!
This blog post is not going to be long. but please go to this link: http://www.twitch.tv/syndicate and make an account and follow tom syndicate. he is my favourite youtuber and livestreamer and nearly has 1.000.000 followers. So please help me and him. I am going to post soon a bigger post but first I need to do this.
So if you liked this post then please leave a +1 and follow my blog for more. Please still vote on my poll for what I sould do for my 50th blog post special.http://strawpoll.me/2300891
but untill next time...
zaterdag 9 augustus 2014
Something has gone wrong?!
I notiched that when I yesterday wanted to check if someone has voted on the strawpoll, that it didn't work.
So then here is a new link and I hope this will work:
You can also embed it in you post so that is here(if it works)
<iframe src="http://strawpoll.me/embed_1/2300891" style="width: 600px; height: 390px; border: 0;">Loading poll...</iframe>
So yea! I am still thinking. I found yesterday a new dj. his name is Monstercat and I really like flight from him. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVMuwa-HRCQ
Warning it is a bit loud so yea. I think it is a really good song but I like the bass a bit louder. On my pc I can put it a bit louder via software but I sadly can't on the laptop.
I think I am going to save money for a new gaming/editing pc. Because I really want to start on youtube but my pc can't handle it very good. It can do a bit of recording but when I am going to play harder games(metro lastlight) it doesn't even handle it without recording so recording isn't going to work. Parts list here: http://azerty.nl/winkelmandje/winkelmandje/?legen=1&product%5B634347%5D=1&product%5B609124%5D=1&product%5B630966%5D=1&product%5B635087%5D=1&product%5B620105%5D=1&product%5B683487%5D=1&product%5B562973%5D=1
It is on a dutch site but that is were I live so deal with it. hihi.
I know the computer case is missing but that is going to be a "corsair carbide 380t" but that isn't available right now.
I think I am going to leave it here for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow for more, it helps a lot. you can also follow me on bloglovin, that you can do here: https://www.bloglovin.com/abeie12
but until next time...
vrijdag 8 augustus 2014
I am back!!
How are you doing?? I am doing great!
I am back from my vacation and have done nothing really. I have gamed a lot and don't know what I should write.
I am thinking of something to do for my blog special. you can help me here:
I hope you guys can help me and that we can come to a thing. PS: if I vlog a day of my life it will probably be in a week or so because then school has began and it will be a lot more interesting :)
I don't know if the spelling of this post will be all right because typing isn't going to well and my brain is off so I can't think very well.
On my vacation I got 2 games from my dad. Assassin's creed 4(skull edition) and crysis 3(hunter edition). it are 2 very good games but crysis is pretty hard with a controler. I got the games for my xbox 360.
Yesterday I went to my uncle and aunt. When we got there we first went cycling and then my uncle and I cooked dinner for us. then we went walking for a long while because we were lost at some point because the map was out of date.
I think I going to leave it here for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow the blog for more, it really helps a lot. But until next time....
woensdag 23 juli 2014
We did it!!!
how are you doing? I am doing great. Why? Because we hit 50 posts!! I really want to thanks you guys and girls very much because without you I couldn't have done this.
We also have hit 500 pageviews. Isn't it amazing?? I think it is.
I really want to thank one person, and that is marit. She helped me start my blog and she still reads it.
And now the sad part. I have a new computer with new hard drives. But every thing from the special was on the old hard drive that me and my dad destroyed when I got the new computer. So I will be thinking of something else and post it in the near future.
but I have to leave it here for today. Sorry that I have waited so long for this post but I was on vacation without internet. But until next time...
maandag 14 juli 2014
<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12560429/?claim=d2wmxjw2ssk">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
I had to put that into my blogpost so I could claim my blog for my bloglovin account. So if you want you can follow me on there as well.
We did it!!! I have hit 500 pageviews!! I really want to thank you all for this so because this is my 49th post, my next post will be the special!!
I have just watched the mofie "grown ups 2". It is a really funny movie so if you have netflix you can go and watch it.
Well I don't have much more to talk about. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and if you want more you can follow my blog but you can now also follow me on bloglovin, but until next time...
zondag 13 juli 2014
some things I love!!
Today I feel like I should share some things with you. So let's get started!
I really love nerd3. I am watching one of his videos right now. I think he is really funny and make good quality videos.
I have to say that I don't follow a lot of blogs but the ones I do follow I really like. I follow 2 blogs, the blog from welmoed and the blog from marit. I want to mention marit especially because she is the one that got me to make a blog and she has had one year anniversary yesterday. I really love her blog and she is a good friend of mine. Marit you rock!!
Well I don't know much else to share what I really like so I think the rest will be a normal post. let's go!!
The Netherlands are third in the world championships. I would have liked it if they would be first but I don't care so much about football so I am happy with third.
I have just seen a video witch was really funny but in dutch. I found it on facebook. For those of you that follow me on facebook I have shared it.
I think I am going to leave it here for today. Again a huge congrats to Marit for her anniversary and I would appreciate it if you would go and check her blog out to. she is the one that helped me start my blog. So for this time I am not going to ask for a +1 but I am going to ask if you could leave a +1 on marit her blog. but until next time...
zaterdag 12 juli 2014
I hate my life!!
I am kinda depressed right now. I am not in a fight with myself any more but you know that I said a couple of days ago that a girl from the fjfo that probably liked me. well that was a joke from a friend of mine that had a new number. He just said he was the guy next to me in the orchestra. I am very upset right now.
I don't know who is watching my blog but I know a couple of friends watch my blog. But it is not that I don't like it when they watch my blog but I then have the feeling that I can't say every thing. If you know me and watch my blog, can you then please send me a message via whatsapp or via facebook.
It is pretty scary. right when I was writing this post the power went out. There was a loud bang and then the power went out. For so far that I now know is nothing broken only the internet is not working. But with no internet I can't post this post so when this comes online you know that every thing is working again. There is also a really bad smell here so maybe something is broken.
I am leaving it here for now. I am sorry that this post is so short but I have to help my father now with fixing the internet and checking if his pc is not broken. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and if you want more you can follow my blog. but until next time...
donderdag 10 juli 2014
Here it then finally is. My recap from this last weekend. This will probably be a long post so let's get started.
Saturday morning we arrived in arum at 7 am. I had to wake up at 5:15 am and that was far to early. We(me and my parents) were there but no one else was there so I started worrying. But then a couple of minutes later the rest of the fjfo started to come. We had a very long bus. It was a extra long but with a trailer behind it. Not every one went with the bus to Rastede and that was good to because we barely fitted all in the bus. There were 3 standing and all the seats were token.
Then we set off to Rastede. It was a relaxing ride but also a very long one. When we were at the border or Germany I got a sms from my sister that my 3g didn't work in Germany. I would have liked to post something from Germany but that couldn't any more trough that.
When we arrived in Rastede we first nearly went trough the whole town to find the place ware we had to preform. After a little while we found it.
First Arum had to preform( we had driven with them in the bus). When they were preforming we went with a little group to the school ware we slept to load all the stuff from the bus into the school. was a lot harder then you would think.
Then we went back to the gymnasium. We still had to wait a little while before we could preform but that didn't matter. When we had preformed the director was really happy and hugged the first trumpet and he doesn't normally do that.
Then we placed our stuff in the trailer and went to the school. there we placed our beds and then we went back to the gymnasium to watch a couple other orchestras.
When that was over we went surching for a restaurant because it was nearly 7 pm. We found a very chic hotel and we ate there. I had chicken nuggets and chips. It was really tasty. We all wanted to watch football there and a other orchestra had organised something in that hotel that we could join. I first set off with some guys from the fjfo to get some money for them.
When we got back it was chaos in the hotel because of the football fans. We watched the whole match and at midnight there was a fireworks show witch we could see from the hotel so we watched that and then went back to the match. When the penalties started it was a really chaos and then we luckily won the match.
Then we went to the party terrain and stayed there a little while. That was really fun except for all the drunk people. luckily I was with a group of people who didn't drink beer so that was fine.
I went a little earlier back to the school because I found that the music was to loud. There was a little party in the school to so we partied there for a little while and went at 3:30 am, that Sunday, to bed.
That morning I woke up at around 9 am because a guy with a trumpet came by. It was pretty funny because every body shocked awake and I heard him come to the room.
We sad a little while in the kitchen for some food and then went to a swimming pool. It was a really large swimming pool with 5 diving boards. 2 from 1 meter, 2 from 3 meter and one from 5 meter high. I went of all and it was vet awesome. I stayed with a couple of friends there until half past three pm.
Then we went to the party terrain to see the show orchestras. That was really fun and then we got the results. We were second with 93,083 points. 100 points is the max so we did really well.
Then we went back to the bus and went back to the Netherlands ware my parents were waiting on me.
And there you have it. A really long post about Rastede. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and if you want more you can follow my blog. but until next time...
woensdag 9 juli 2014
new dj I found and problems!!
here I am again. I am pretty bored right now.
I have found this DJ 009 sound system. I think he is very awesome. his music fits good in with other dances. My favourite song from him is dreamscape. I know that song since I was I think like 6 but never knew then name of the song but shazam has helped me today.
I love things that are mint. It is so fresh in your mouth. I am eating peppermint right now.
I know I still should write about Rastede but that will be a really long post and I am searching some things out right now.
To say it really short is that there is a girl from the fjfo and she is really pretty and very friendly and stuff. and I have spend a lot of the weekend in Rastede with her and it was fun. and then today I heard from someone from the fjfo that he knows for 90% sure that she likes me. But I am not sure if I like her and then you have a other girl I like for a while now and I am not sure any more what I have to think of her. My feeling says yes but my head says not. But I have given it some thought and the girl I already liked I don't "like" any more if you understand.
I am going to the cinema soon but don't know with who. I think I am going with that girl that likes me. Then I am sure that I am not going alone to the cinema and I help her and me a bit to :)
I am leaving it here for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and if you want more then you can follow my blog, but until next time...
dinsdag 8 juli 2014
some more music!!
I don't have much time right now because I have to go in a couple of minutes so I toughed that I maybe could make a post with some music so here we go.
but first I want to say something. On this blog will come no music for 1d or 5sos or other boy bands. Why? Well at fist I am a guy so I don't listen to that and I also just don't like it and on my blog will probably only come music witch I like or I have heard lately.
Buffalo soldier from Bob Marley
My dad played this song a couple of days ago and in the game gta sanandreas was this song and I played that a lot when I was young.
Three little birds from Bob Marley
I know, again Bob Marley but he is just a good singer and his music makes me happy when I have a little depression. I don't have a depression right now but I have like a fight with myself right now and I don't know what I should do.
Tsunami from dvbbs and borgeous
I haven't had tsunami on my blog yet and I this this is the best version from that song so there you have it
You make me from Avicii
I have never heard this song before so that is why I am adding it here. I like the song but it is not my favourite.
And I am leaving it by that. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow for more posts but until next time...
post from the fisio
I know I have been away for a little while but it is just that I don't know what I should write because I am most of the time bored and I was in rastede this weekend but I am going to talk about that in a later post.
I am writing this post in the fisio because I had to go there and I am just bored when I am cycling there.
I ordered a couple of music book like 5 week ago but they still haven't arrived. And then I heard yesterday that the order failed so I still have to wait 3 weeks :(
I have to stop now because the woman from the fisio is getting angry. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and you can follow for more but until next time...
woensdag 25 juni 2014
some updates!!
I don't know what to talk about so I am again going to write what is on my mind right now. Hope you enjoy it :)
I have started with the special. It is nearly finished but I still need to edit it(spoilers). and before I can edit it I need my fathers pc. I don't know if I have already said it on my blog but my dad has ordered a new pc for himself so I can have his old pc back what was a couple of months ago my pc. But if I have that pc again I can edit the special and then I think I am going to wait for my 50th post and then show it to you. I really hope you will like it. PS: for some of my friend that read my blog will know probably Friday what I am up to. I don't know if I am going to tell them, but if they see it it is pretty obvious.
I am waiting for the 10th of Juli because then the fault in our stars comes to the Netherlands. I think I am going to go to that film with a friend of mine but I don't know( haven't asked yet :) )
I just noticed that when you have a happy smiley and put an other ) under it it looks like the smiley has a under chin. see :)) and when you have a smiley and you put a dot between or under the smiley it looks like it has a pimple. see :.) :). I think that is pretty funny. you can choose for yourself.
Okay I really didn't know what to write so I sought on google for it and found this http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_some_good_topics_to_do_a_blog_on#slide=1 . I also found this song. I think it is a emotional song because it brings up memories but that you have to see for yourself to. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWSUPj-j-zI
I think that's it for today. If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and follow me on blogger. It helps a lot and lets me know that you like my blog and what I do. but until next time...
dinsdag 24 juni 2014
music examination!!!
Today I had free from school. Heck yeah. Not because of school but because of my music examination.
I was successful at getting my c diplomatic. I am so happy right now. I had 46,5 points and 60 points is the maximum. Zo I did really well.
But also you guys helped me hit 400 page views. But you may ask yourself: why 400 views. Well that is because when I asked you guys for 400 views, I wrote my 40th post. I am now busy making the special. I think it might be finished by the 50th post. So stay tuned for that.
but that is all for today. If you liked this post then make sure to leave a +1 and follow my blog. It helps a lot, but until next time...
zondag 22 juni 2014
ashamed of myself 2.0
here is what I still wanted to say yesterday.
I am soon going on 2 vacations. Why 2 well that is because the 5th of July I am going to rastede. That is in Germany. Ps if you live in Germany or you are going to rastede to then I would love it to meet you. I am playing with what is called in Dutch: het frysk jeugd fanfare orkest. In English it would probably be the frysk youth fanfare orchestra. Something like that. I play there third trumpet. So if you are there please come and say hello.
then later I am going to Zeeland. Not the country but the province in the Netherlands. I am looking forward to that and I hope I will be posting a lot then.
well I think that was it. If you liked this post then pleas leave a +1 and if you want more then please follow this blog, it helps a lot, but until next time...
a shamed of myself??
How are you guys doing? I am still tired. I had this night a good rest but I am now even more tired.
I have nearly 400 page views!! So please share my blog with a couple of your friends and help me hit 400 views. That would be amazing. Maybe I will do a special.
I am ashamed of myself right now. It is because , if you didn't know, I can't sing. There is only one song that makes me sing and I played it this evening. Then I went downstairs and my parents said: nice singing Abe. I nearly shit my pants so scared I was. I asked them how they heard me and they said: your window is open, the whole neighborhood could hear your music.
I am going right now but I am posting tomorrow what I still wanted to post today. I am going because I have to go to a performance. So if you liked this post please leave a +1 and if you want more you can follow me and read the past posts but until next time...
vrijdag 20 juni 2014
to little sleep
I know I haven't been posting a lot lately but here is a explanation.
I haven't said this to my parents or my friends. The only thing I have been saying to them is that I don't sleep well but here is the explanation.
Every night I really late fall asleep and when I finally sleep I get every time the same fcking nightmare. and this has been going on now for like 2 or 3 weeks.
But every time I sleep I am in my dream in a hospital. nearly everybody I know is there and then a doctor comes in the room. Every body starts smiling exept for the doctor. Then the doctor says a lot of things and says at the end:' I am sorry to say but you have cancer.' and then I wake up.
It is not that I abuse cancer or something. I don't know why I get that nightmare but I am really tired and can't concentrate.
I think I am going to leave it here for today.
maandag 16 juni 2014
music and tests
With live come changes, but not in the lunch time :)
and welcome back to my blog. today I again don't know what to write but we will see what comes up to me and then I will write it down.
I am currently listening to Metallica. Sometimes it help for inspiration but I don't know if it will work this time.
I hate tests for school. Music test I don't hate because I know I will have a good grade at that but for school I am just not always sure.
Kirk Hammett is a great guitar player. If you question me then listen to this:
He has a solo in the beginning and it is a awesome solo. Even if you don't question me you should listen to nothing else matters(live).
Tomorrow I have a French test. I hate French. Why should I as a Dutch boy learn French if the French people don't learn Dutch? That is unfair, isn't it? And if I get a bad grade at this test I could stay in second class :(. ps: the same is for German. English I don't care. I am learning English this way and I have a 8,6 for English.
Wednesday I have a test for something, can't remember :(
Thursday I have a test for history but in that lesson I am not at school for my friend her music examination so I think I have to make that test tomorrow.
Friday I have a test for Dutch.
I hate it when I have the whole week tests. It just makes school a lot less fun. But luckily I have my blog and that is really fun to do :)
Since this weekend I have a couple of Russian viewers. I like it when I have people across the world who watch my blog. That gives me the feeling I am famous. kind off. I gives me the feeling that people really enjoy reading my blog and that keeps me posting posts.
I don't like to keep things for myself so I am now going to show you guys my all time viewers.

It is in Dutch but I you don't know the translation for a word set it in the comments and I will give the translation or you can use google translate.
I think I will leave it here for today. If you liked this post pleas leave a +1 and if you want to see more then pleas follow me. It helps a lot and you will get a message every time I post something but until next time....
zondag 15 juni 2014
favorite youtubers!!!
No this is not what I was forgotten in the last post but this is something that slipped into my head that I could do.
I am going to do my top five youtubers. but if it are more youtubers unter one name I am going to say the complete name.
for number five I am going to choose pewdiepie.
Who doesn't know pewdiepie? I am following him since I was seven( I am 14 now). I always laughed a lot because of him. My parents didn't like that so I couldn't see his videos anymore but I am now watching his videos again and I still love them but with less laughing.
for number four I have chosen inthelittledream.
A lot say this is a channel for girls but i really like it. I think it is fun to see.
for number three I have chosen my backyard. no just kidding I have really chosen team crafted.
They are really funny and play a lot of minecraft. not that that is a really good thing but with minecraft you don't really have spoilers so you can watch all there videos without worrying about spoilers.
for number two I have chosen ........ The Yogscast.
They are very provesional and make a lot of videos so you have a lot to watch. They have good quality videos and sound and are most of the time funny as well.
And for my number one I have chosen ........... Nerd³
He is the man that makes my day every day. He has quality and is really, but then really funny. My favourite video of him is from driver san fransico. I think it is amazing and you should totally check him out.
So there you have it. If you liked this post please leave a +1or follow me. it helps a lot and you get a message whenever I post something. But until next time....
everything....or nothing???
first I want to excuse myself for being away for a little time. but more on that later.
You know. There is one thing I hate so much about my family. And that is that when I bring a girl with me to my house to game or so, they always think that it is my 'girlfriend'. and then they say it when she is standing next to me. and that is one thing I really hate about my family. What do you hate about your family? Leave it in the comments.
And now why I was away for a week or so and why I am going to be away probably soon. Well it is really easy. this 19th I am going to help a friend of mine with her music examination. And then the 24th I have my own music examination. that Friday I am going to Walibi with school. Walibi is an attraction park in Holland. That weekend I have a couple of performances. And the 5th and 6th of July I am going to Rastede. Rastede is a town in Germany and there is each year a giant music festival. I am going there with it fjfo. And one other reason is that I didn't post anything is because I didn't know what I should post. If you have ideas for what to post leave them in the comments too.
I was going to say something else but I have forgotten it so maybe later. But If you liked this post then please leave a +1 and if you have something to say set it in the comments and until next time...
maandag 9 juni 2014
hello everybody!!!
that was something I had a couple of days ago.
but now over to the subject of this post.... Me!!!
good things about me:
I think I can make good music with my trumpet.
I am good with PCs.
I have quite a lot of friends.
I like a lot of music.
bad things about me:
I have pain really fast.
I am fast emotional.
I get angry often and quite fast.
I am bad at making jokes.
I am not good with making people happy when they are crying.
I don't like most of the books.
I don't make very often my homework.
and I don't know much more. Good things were harder to find then bad things.
but if you liked this post please leave a +1. It helps a lot and until next time...
zaterdag 7 juni 2014
a little recap
Today I don't really know what I should talk about so I am going to say what I did today. Hope you like it.
I woke up and I remembered that I was going to order some music books for trumpet and piano. So I went to my dad with the laptop and we ordered them. I have ordered a book from queen, lord of the rings, the Beatles and arban for trumpet. Arban is a studying method. I also ordered a book from the Beatles for piano. With it all it was €70 of around $100 without sending costs.
this evening I went to the nearest city to buy some things. I got some cool new sneakers and a book. The book is called: gone. I have already read the 4th part in English.
after that I got home, grabbed my stuff and went to a concert. I was a bit late but didn't miss anything. It was a pretty boring concert. We didn't much but the others did :(
then we BBQ. It was delicious. Now I am sitting here writing for my blog with my family around me. Pretty irritating. They read that and didn't like it XD.
if you liked this post pleas leave a +1. It helps a whole load but until next time...
vrijdag 6 juni 2014
Here is some music I listened when I was depressif. I hope this will make you happy too.
Don't worry, be happy. bob marley.
If this song doesn't make you happy then I don't know what does
Be A Star. Martyn Littlewoods.
Why I don't know but this made me happy and gave me hope. and what I only just noticed is that my name is in the url. the 6st letter from the right.
Yesterday. The Beatles.
This song didn't make me happy but I had the feeling that I should include this song becouse I listened it a lot of time. I also had the feeling that it was sort of my story. becouse I had problems and I was hurting someone I really didn't want to hurt but I have already told that.
Nothing else matters. Metallica.
I listened this a lot because it is my favorite song but it is too a bit sad.
there they are. 4 songs I listened when I was depressif. If you liked this post pleas leave a +1. It helps a whole load and until next time...
woensdag 4 juni 2014
depresion :(
If you don't want to hear me be depresif and say stupid things nobody cares about go away now. I'm depressif and I don't want to make you to but I must tell someone.
I'm in a depresion right now because tanks to me someone who I love is in a depresion thanks to me. I feel really bad for her. I don't want to hurt her in any way but I have the feeling I am hurting her now. I don't know what I should do. Anybody tips? leaf them in the comments.
Now I am in a depression and I have a headache. I think I'm going early to bed tonight but I don't think I will sleep really well. I think I am going to stop writing because my head really starts to hurt now.
dinsdag 3 juni 2014
movies and love
today I have some thing for you. If you want to know what ten you have to read this post.
Jeeej. My friends still like me!! That is a great relief. Now I am not alone in the lunch breaks.
I really love someone at the moment. I don't know if I should ask her. I don't have a lot of self trust. So we will see how that will go. I hope she loves me to. Fingers crossed. Ps I don't know if she reads my blog. I think so. Hopefully I don't have a problem now.
I have lately watched a lot of movies. I have wached: enders game, wreck it Ralph, the hunger games caching fire and we are the millers. So if you have some spare time go and watch them I thing they are great.
there is one thing on my blog what I don't get. Thatis that last Saturday or Sunday I had a lot of pageviews so I started to post more but now I post more and I have a lot less pageviews. Isn't that stupid. Like you guys want less posts.
but if you liked this post pleas leave a +1 and until next time...
maandag 2 juni 2014
I just don't know
today. today is a beautifull day. why? don't ask me. I only think it is a beatifull day.
So I don't know what i should write about so I am going to write some things that come up to me.
Today I had an aggression attak. why? I don't really know. some of my friends were joking and it hurt me in some way that all the aggression just came out. It felt like they were hurting me from the inside. I think I scared them. I hope the still like me.
I am sitting on the sofa with the laptop from my father. why? because I am writing for my blog and I didn't want to type on my phone. with witch I am still really happy. I think I am going to do an review some time in the futur.
Today I nearly got hit by a car twice. the first time it was in the road were I live. an guy in an truck had ear buts in so he didn't hear me ring with my bel and then he went backwards and nearly hit me. he was like an inch away from my foot. then he started shouting at me about me not noticing him. then I waited at the petrol station for an friend and when my friend arrived we went off. we were just bicycling and a man in a car came crasy hard driving at us and then also started hoorning and shouting at us.
I am currently listening to the beatles again. I really like the song hey jude. There is one other song that I think is better than hey jude and that is nothing else matters form mettalica. If you have never heard it you should go and check it out. It is totaly not a rock song and that is what I like so much about it because mettalica is an rock band.
I have just read the blog from my friends. one is not writing for a while and the other is still going. jeej.
wannabereporter.blogspot.nl ( this one is in dutch)
I think this is it really. So if you liked this pleas leave a +1 and share it with you friends, family, dog and every thing surrounding you right now and every thing that isn't but until next time...
zondag 1 juni 2014
windows updates
I don't really know what I should talk about but I know a couple ofthings to talk about so lets start.
first on. I hate windows updates. It killed me yesterday. Nearly not kidding. Today I have to hand in an poem report and when I was nearly finshed making it windows updates shut off mij PC. Now I have a problem. I have to hand it in today but I have nothing. Crisis!!!
then up I am now in the library in our school working with an friend of mine on an report of frederik 2 the great. It is going really good so far. We have to do the report Tuesdays.
I have to go now because the lesson is going to begin. So if you liked it pleas leave +1 and until next time...
uber thanks and somethings about my room
I am so happy right now. wanna know why. because there are currently so many people coming to my blog and I love it. So because of that I have just this one post left for today but I will probably be back tomorrow.
In this post I want to talk about some things I love about my room and some things I still want. at first I have just calculated for how much my room would sell with every thing in it. My room will cost around the 2000 euro's without my trumpets
I have in my room an xbox 360, wii U, wii, gamecube, ds lite and an 3ds and ofcourse my pc.they are all conected to my 32 inch tv.
I have in my room 3 trumpets. one is my own and the other two are from the ocesta in ijlst. but they feel like my own becouse they have never asked them back.
Little things:
well I have a lot of skylanders. If you don't know what they are google them. I have nearly the whole first serie and a couple form the second and 20 from the tird. I have 6 gamecube games. a lot of pc games, 2 wii u games, 7 xbox games and 12 ds games. I have a lot of music in my room. I have 7 music books and 5 full maps of music. for my trumpets I have 4 dampers. those change the sound of the trumpet. I have a couple of necklaces. one form Italy, one from walking with dinosaurs and some others. I have a lot of postcards from my birthdays and that's it.
well there you have it in an nutshell. a bit of my room. if you liked it pleas leave a +1. it is really apreaciated and until next time.
changes to my blog and an review
As you have probaly alrady have seen have I spend some time changing my blogs style. Do you like it? pleas let me know in the comments below becouse if you don't like it you can just say it and I will think of something else. But this is not everything I wanted to talk about so lets get to the review.
From the 34 games I have I have chosen: Mass Effect 3. Why I have chosen this first is becouse this was the first game I bougd. I got a lot of games for my parents and that's one reason I love them but let's get to the review.
The story is really good. I think that it is as good as the story from GTA 5 but I have one complain about it and that is that some of the caracters are not well explained. you will only know them if you have played the other games. It is an good story and it was the first game that made me cry at the end.
The gameplay is really good but some of the butten choices were a bit weard and one butten was really wrong. You do nearly every thing with space and that wil sometimes do differend thing then you want. I also didn't like that sprint was space becouse shift was quick menu and I pressed it so much to sprint that I later configured it to be shift.
It is an beautiful game and not to difficult to run game and that makes it enjoyable to watch and play. Only with some of the ingame visuals they kept playing unles you got closer. that is disappointing EA.
And that is it I guess. It is an really fun game to play and watch and I would really recomend it but then for pc and not for xbox or play station. I give the game an 8.
and there you have it. If you liked it pleas leave an +1. It helps me a whole load and until next time.
a lot of things
So first you are probably wondering why this post is in english. Well that's because I have a lot of american viewers and I have been thinking about changing the language of my blog just because I can. I am pretty good in english so here is an english post and pleas say what you thing of it in the comments.
I don't know why but I recently got addicted to mettalica. Why I don't know but first I heard them with the grammy awards with an classical piano player and I loved them. then I heard the song "nothing else matters" and I really liked it and so I became addicted to mettalica.
So far I think my english is pretty good. But at this point I don't know annymore what I want to say so I am going to say things that I could talk about in other blog posts. I could talk about games. I have 34 games I could do a review of. I could talk about myself and my trumpet. I could talk about how terrible my pc is. I would love to have a mac but there just to exspensive. My sister keeps telling me how terrible my clothing style is but I am just the kind of guy who worries about clothes. She keeps comparing me to a friend of hers. he is gay so thats why he thinks so much about he clothing.
What is pretty funny is that I just said that I am addicted to mettalica but I am currently listening to the beatles. A friend of mine was here yesterday and she kept playing old school songs so I thought why not. I don't like silence so a lot of the times i have music playing in the background.
On the one side I hate it that I am borne in the netherlands because I love Great Brittan and the USA and the language but on the other side I really like it in the Netherlands and I have a lot of good friend here.
I think that this is enough english for you guys to decide if I should write my blog in English or in dutch. pleas leave a comment with you oppinion and leave a +1 if you liked it. But i will talk to you later.
zaterdag 31 mei 2014
verjaardag zus
sorry dat in een tijdje afwezig ben geweest maar ik ben de laatste tijd bezig met meerdere dingen.
maar eerst wil ik heel graag mijn zus feliciteren met haar verjaardag. Ze is nu 17 jaar maar ik zet dit op mijn blog omdat het verhaal bij haar verjaardag wel zielig is. Afgelopen donderdag had ze ruzie met mijn vader en moeder en had ze toen uit boosheid iedereen afgebeld. Nu komen vandaag 3 mensen waarvan 1 iemand voor mij komt en niet voor haar.
wat mij leid tot het volgende onderdeel en dat zijn examens. Zoals jullie weten speel ik trompet en met trompet les ga ik dit jaar voor mijn c diploma. Dan ben je al best ver in de muziek. We begonnen met een groep van 12 mensen en 7 doen er c examen en er gaan 4 door naar d.
maar de reden waarom er examens staat en niet examen is omdat ik binnenkort iemand ga helpen met haar examen. We doen dan een duet en het gaat vast goed komen :)
en dat is het dan wel zo ongeveer. Geef een +1 als je het leuk vond. Dat helpt mij om te zien wat jullie leuk vinden en wat niet. Laat een reactie achter als je iets wild vertellen of een opmerking hebt en dan zie ik jullie later.
zondag 25 mei 2014
mijn saaie vrije zondag
in dit stukje vertel ik wat over mijn zondag.
vanochtend ben ik met mijn mobiel bezig geweest en heb iedereen een complimentje gegeven over het concert van gister middag. We hadden toen een hy thea. Er was veel te eten en het korps speelde goed dus het was een uitermate goed concert.
toen ben ik s'middags weer met mijn mobiel bezig geweest en later in de middag nog een beetje gelopen en gevlogd (meer info misschien later). Toen ben ik bezig geweest met mijn herbarium samen met mijn moeder en zus.
tijdens het eten kreeg ik voor het eerst in mijn leven een vega burger en ik vond het verrassend lekker. Toen heb ik met mijn vader gestoeid en lig nu met buikpijn op bed van het lachen. Het was namelijk zo dat ik en mijn vader aan het stoeien waren en toen pakte ik zijn been en toen ging hij per ongeluk in de wasmand van mijn moeder staan en vloog alle was er uit. Ik heb daar vreselijk om moeten lachen dat ik er nu nog pijn van heb.
en dat is het dan wel weer.
zaterdag 24 mei 2014
van alles en sorry
sorry dat ik zolang niks heb gepost maar ik weet de laatste tijd gewoon niks meer om over te praten.
de zon is weer terug in Nederland en ik ben er blij om en ook weer niet. Ik ben er blij om omdat het dan eindelijk weer warm word maar niet leuk omdat ik niet zo goed tegen de warmte kan dus heb ik zowat elke avond hoofdpijn...
met het korps van ijlst hebben we een concert gehad met het mannenkoor van Emmeloord. Het was Super. Ik vond het mannenkoor geweldig. Voor foto's en video's kun je naar concordiaijlst.nl
vanmiddag heb ik een concert met het jeugdkorps van ijlst en heb er Super veel zin in.
en dat is het wel waar ik mee op kon komen.
woensdag 14 mei 2014
eerste gedachte bij muziek
Ik ga vandaag een stuk of 5 liedjes opzoeken en mijn eerste gedachten er bij geven.
Dus om duidelijk te zijn het is niet wat ik er van vind maar wat ik er bij denk!!
dit liedje doet me denken aan liefde maar eerder dat je dan net iemand kwijt bent. dus dat het net uit is en dat er dan een jongen of meisje door een straat loopt en het keihard regent en hij of zij dan helemaal alleen loopt en er niemand is om hem/haar te helpen.
maar ik heb ook het gevoel alsof iemand is gestorven die heel dierbaar is en dat dit van die flashback momenten zijn naar hoe fijn het was met die gene. dubbele gevoelens dus.
bij dit liedje moet ik denken aan zo'n feestje die dan dood saai is en hij dan komt en het feestje dan weer helemaal awesome maakt.
bij dit liedje moet ik denken aan een avontuur of zo. dat er een groot avontuur is en dat dan de halve groep weg is gegaan en dat ze dan nog met een paar over zijn en dan door een groot oerwoud gaan en dat ze juist heel goed bezig zijn maar dat er toch nog iemand is die de hele tijd moet denken aan iemand van de mensen die weg is gegaan.
bij dit liedje moet ik denken aan zo'n Braziliaans land( niet racistisch). en dat er dan zo'n gang is die dan andere gangs aanvalt en dat ze gewoon lekker veel swag hebben.
bij dit liedje moet ik op een of andere manier denken aan dronken jongeren denken dat die dan met zijn allen een feestje hebben en dat ze dan dit gaan zingen. veel meer kan ik er niet bij bedenken
en dat zijn er vijf. ik zou het leuk vinden dat jullie ook deze liedjes zouden gaan luisteren en dan in de reacties achter laten of jullie ongeveer hetzelfde dachten of dat het heel iets anders was. en als je er zin in hebt mag je dat dan ook nog wel beschrijven (maakt niet uit in welke taal).
zondag 11 mei 2014
mei vakantie (dag 14(het einde))
ik heb mijn vakantie vandaag zo'n beetje helemaal gepost in dag 1 t/m 14. Dus hier is mijn afsluiting.
Ik heb vandaag zoveel gedaan dat ik het in 2 woorden kan beschrijven: gta gespeeld.
that's it.
ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vonden dat ik zo een beetje mijn hele vakantie heb beschreven op mijn blog. Zo ja een 1+ zou gewardeerd worden en tot de volgende keer!
zaterdag 10 mei 2014
mei vakantie (dag 13)
Bij gelovigen zullen denken dat deze dag de slechste dag van mijn vakantie zal zijn maar het is waarschijnlijk wel de beste dag van dit jaar tot nu toe. Dus hier is alles wat ik heb beleefd.
s'ochtends heb ik niks gedaan om eerlijk te zijn.
vanmiddag ben ik rond 12 uur weg gegaan naar sint jacobieparochi voor een muziek dag van muziek school frankeker. De reden dat ik hier zo graag heen wou is omdat Charlie green en andrew joy er kwamen om masterclasses te geven. Ik als muziekant word daar helemaal gek van.
toen ik daar was aangekomen na een rit van 1 uur was er eerst een repetitie met iedereen die was gekomen olv. Charlie green.
toen dat was afgelopen gingen ik en drie anderen van het fjfo naar een soort iniminie kerk ding om daar een masterclas te krijgen van andrew joy. Ik heb daar een helehoop geleerd en veel ervaring opgedaan. Het was ook heel gezellig met fleur. Als je verdere details wilt dan moet je dat even commenten ;)
toen dat klaar was gingen we met die groep een liedje oefenen wat zomaar klaar was.
daarna moesten we weer naar de hoofd kerk om daar weer met de hele groep te oefenen.
daarna was het etens tijd en daarna was het consert wat geweldig ging. Waneer we aan het wachten waren gingen we met de leden allemaal simpele en leuke liedjes zingen. Jammer genoeg deed niemand anders me met die liedjes op de cupsong na :(
Dat is dan mijn zaterdag de 13e ;)
donderdag 8 mei 2014
mei vakantie (dag 11)
hier ben ik met mijn vakantie dag 11
Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden :)
Vanochtend ben ik lekker laat wakker geworden en daarna heb ik een aantal youtube filmpjes gekeken.
Daarna heb ik gegeten en was ik weg gegaan naar muziekles gegaan.
na mijn muziek les ging ik met mijn moeder naar de kapper maar ik kon daar pas na 3 uur terecht dus moest ik 1,5 uur in de stad rond zwerven. Toen ik aan het zwerven was, was ik naar de blokker,action en dixons geweest met mijn moeder. Toen ik eindelijk naar de kapper kon was er vlink wat haar af gekomen en nu heb ik weer een bijna kaal hoofd XD.
Toen had ik avond gegeten en nu wacht ik totdat ik weg moet naar korps.
Dus dat is het dan!!
woensdag 7 mei 2014
GTA 5 review
Ik ben misschien een beetje laat met een review van gta 5 maar ik denk dat het nog wel kan voor de mensen die hem nog niet hebben.
De verhaal lijn in gta 5 is geweldig maar het doet me iets te veel aan een film denken dan aan een game. Aan de ene kant is dit wel leuk maar geeft je wel een vreemd gevoel omdat je dus af en toe denkt dat je een film kijkt tijdens een klijn stukje film. Het is wel een mooi lang verhaal dus dat is mooi.
De gameplay heb ik veel over te zeggen omdat het gewoon goed is. Meer is het niet. Elk knopje voelt gewoon het goede te doen.
De game zelf:
het is een mooi spel waar heel veel in te doen is. Als je langs stukken in de wereld rijd kunnen er zomaar allemaal missies starten die je niet hoeft te doen maar die wel vaak belonen. Er zijn ook genoeg zij missies die er voor zorgen dat je naast de verhaallijn nog genoeg te doen hebt.
Het is een geweldig spel met mooie graphics en goeie besturing. Is het een aanrader? Ja zeker. Het is zeker een aanrader. Ook voor mensen die nog nooit gta hebben gespeeld is het een geweldig spel. Het is te vergelijken met gta sanandreas. Dus als je gta 5 hebt uitgespeeld en meer zoekt kun je altijd gta sanandreas proberen maar dat is al wel een veel ouder spel. Dus verwacht niet dezelfde graphics.
dit is dan mijn review van gta 5. Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vonden en tot de volgende keer.
mei vakantie (dag 10)
Hier is mijn vakantiedag 10.
Hoop dat jullie het leuk zullen vinden.
Ik ben vanmorgen begonnen met lekker uit te slapen dus niet zo veel gedaan.
Vanmiddag heb ik samen met mijn moeder een cake gebakken. Hij is heel lekker geworden.
daarna ben ik bezig geweest met mijn herbarium.
toen ben ik gaan gamen en daarna ging ik samen met mijn moeder eten koken. Lekkere spaghetti. Was heerlijk.
deze avond heb ik wat filmpjes op youtube gekeken en ben er achter gekomen dat mijn abonnement was afgelopen en dat er nu 20 euro van mijn beltegoed is afgehaald :( zwaar kut.
en dat is het wel
zondag 4 mei 2014
nokia lumia 1320 review
Ik heb nu een tijdje de Lumia 1320 in huis dat ik dacht dat het wel tijd is voor een review en dus hier is ie:
Ik vind het een mooie mobiel met een groot schem(6inch diagonaal). Ik persoonlijk vind dat een plus punt maar somigen zullen dat te groot vinden. De telefoon heeft ronde hoeken waardoor hij lekker in de hand licht en er voor zorgt dat je makkelijker bij het scherm kan. Aan de voorkant heb je een speaker voor het bellen en er zit ook een vga camera voor selfies. Onderop zit de oplaatpoort en microfoon. Aan de zijkant zitten 3 knoppen voor het volume, aan en uit en de camera.
de telefoon draait Windows Phone 8 en dat wordt binnenkort 8.1. Het is een goede software die er mooi en doorlopend uit ziet. Je hebt alleen altijd wel het probleem met Windows Phone dat er lang niet zoveel apps zijn als bij Android. Het is opzich best jammer maar er zijn nog wel een hoop leuke apps.
Dat is het dan zo ongeveer wel. Veel slechts heb ik nog niet echt gevonden.
wannabe reporter
Ik heb hier een vet coole shout out voor marit.
Marit is een goede vriendin van mij en ze heeft laatst haar honderdste bericht gepost.
Gefeliciteerd marit en er komen vast nog wel veel meer berichten op je blog.
Ik ben zo blij voor marit omdat marit de reden is dat ik ben begonnen ben met mijn blog.
Hier is nog ff een link naar haar blog:
donderdag 1 mei 2014
mei vakantie (dag 4,5)
ik weet het ik heb een paar dagen gemist.
maar het is meer omdat er niet zo veel is gebeurt. Als je een samen vatting wil dan is dit het:
ben bezig geweest met mijn nieuwe mobiel.
that's it.
maar hopelijk beleef ik vandaag wat meer.
maandag 28 april 2014
Mei vakantie (dag 3)
Eey allemaal!!
In dag 3 van mijn mei vakantie heb ik dit gedaan:
Ik was vroeg wakker dus heb we are the millers gekeken.
's middags ben ik naar jelmer geweest. Een goede friend van mij uit mijn klas. Daar heb ik samen met hem gegamed.
Ik ben net terug van korps omdat dat wel door gaat in de vakanties.
En dat was mijn dag van vandaag.
Ps deze is nogal vaag aangezien blogger vaag doet op mijn telefoon en ik kan er niks tegen doen. Sorry :(
zondag 27 april 2014
Mei vakantie (dag 2)
vandaag is het alweer dag 2 van mijn mei vakantie.
dit is wat ik vandaag heb gedaan:
vanochtend ben ik heel laat wakker geworden dus heb ik niks gedaan.
vanmiddag ben ik de middag begonnen met gta V en ben later verder gegaan met far cry 3.
later deze middag heb ik samen met mijn vader naar allemaal video's gekeken van de Nokia lumia 1320 en hebben daarna beide 1 besteld. wel grappig is dat tot nu toe mijn vader en ik steeds dezelfde mobiel hebben gehad. eerst de samsung galaxy chat, toen de samsung galaxy ace en nu de Nokia lumia 1320.
toen we onze mobieltjes hadden besteld ging ik vandaag eten koken. Ik heb er voor gekozen om wraps te maken op de Mexicaanse manier. was super lekker en zeker een aanrader.
nu ( 7 uur s'avonds) ben ik bezig met mijn blog en vanavond ga ik waarschijnlijk of the matrix of game of thrones kijken.
zaterdag 26 april 2014
Mei vakantie (dag 1)
Eey allemaal!!!
Vandaag is het dag 1 van de vakantie.
Ik wil deze vakantie elke dag iets publiceren, kijken of dat lukt :)
Vandaag had ik vanochtend eerst een concert.
na dat concert heb ik gegeten en daarna bezig geweest met de computer voor mijn blog.
Toen ik klaar was met mijn blog ging ik eerst wat video's zien van inthelittlewood en daarna minecraft gespeeld.
Toen ging ik avond eten en daarna nog ff gamen en tv kijken en nu ga ik slapen.
Koningsdag muziek
aangezien ik eindelijk weer dingen kan posten heb ik hier wat muziek die vooral leuk is op Konings dag :]
1. Koning voetbal
een vrolijke mars die ik zelf heel leuk vind
2. Het koningslied
Ik kon deze gewoon niet weg laten wand het is wel KONINGS dag
een gezellig lied van André van Duin
4. Happy
omdat je er gewoon zo happy van wordt
Daar zijn ze weer een aantal liedjes die je helemaal vrolijk maken :)
Konings dag
Het is vandaag in Nederland Konings dag!!
ik heb hier 10 don't op Konings dag!!
1. hang je vlag niet halfstok
2. draag geen paars. blijkbaar ben je dan tegen de koning omdat paars tegenover oranje staat in een kleuren cirkel
3. geen aanslag plegen. telt ook op alle andere dagen.
4. geen spandoek maken met scheldwoorden er op en die ergens op hangen.
5. niet de hele dag no-life tv gaan kijken. ( moet ik zeggen)
6. niet te veel bier drinken
7. geen brand stichten
8. geen vuurwerk naar de koning gooien. ook niet naar andere mensen ;]
9. niet naar de stad gaan als je niet van markten houd
10. niet lonely gaan thuis zitten.
en dat zijn er al weer 10!!
maar het zijn niet alleen dingen die je op Konings dag niet moet doen.
zoals je moet zoiezo geen brand stichten
maar die keus laat ik aan jou want ik ben je moeder niet.
vrijdag 25 april 2014
TMI tag!!!
sorry dat ik zo lang weg ben geweest maar ik had problemen met blogger :(. Maar dat is voor later in een tech stukje.
Ik dacht misschien is het wel leuk om zo'n tmi tag te doen.
Ik hoorde er van via Emma Blackberry en Dan Nerd³
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYtnRYfe13s
Ik heb deze vragen ook van een site want ik weet ze namelijk niet allemaal uit mijn hoofd en ik was te lui om alle vragen over te typen van die video.
PS: alle vragen zijn in het engels maar de antwoorden in het nederlands.
PSS: alle vragen zullen waarschijnlijk niet helemaal goed in gevuld worden omdat ik me grappig voel XD.
1: What are you wearing?
Wie ben je mijn moeder?
2: Ever been in love?
ja. momenteel ook. meer info krijg je niet. moehahah
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
nope omdat ik nog nooit een vriendin heb gehad gaat dat ook nogal moeilijk.
4: How tall are you?
1m en 60 nogwat cm
5: How much do you weigh?
6: Any tattoos?
7: Any piercings?
gehad in mijn oor maar die raakte ontstoken dus dat was niet voor lang
8: OTP?
9: Favorite show?
1 van de vele die er zijn
10: Favorite bands?
11: Something you miss?
12: Favorite song?
99% van spotify.
13: How old are you?
stalk stalk
14: Zodiac sign?
steenbok. moet eerst nog op zoeken wat dat betekende XD
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
dat ze vrouwlijk is. ik ben niet gay!!
16: Favorite Quote?
bij het leven horen veranderingen. behalve in de lunch tijd.
17: Favorite actor?
iemand van holywood
18: Favorite color?
blauw groenig
19: Loud music or soft?
mutherfucking loud
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
mijn pc/wii u/xbox 360/gamecube/wii
21: How long does it take you to shower?
best wel lang
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
rond een uur
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
vaag genoeg wel.
24: Turn on?
25: Turn off?
nu al weer
26: The reason I joined Youtube?
27: Fears?
voor mijn OMA!!!
28: Last thing that made you cry?
een klap voor mijn kop
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
toen mijn moeder er om vroeg
30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
nou omdat er eens op een site als voorbeeld stond abeie en ik was 12
31: Last book you read?
32: The book you’re currently reading?
33: Last show you watched?
game of thrones
34: Last person you talked to?
mijn moeder. ze kwam net binnen lopen XD
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
vaag omdat dat ook mijn moeder is XD
36: Favorite food?
alle pasta's
37: Place you want to visit?
de utherne. sport complex in ijlst
38: Last place you were?
39: Do you have a crush?
een wat??
40: Last time you kissed someone?
41: Last time you were insulted?
net toen mijn moeder binnen kwam lopen
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
alles dat zoet is
43: What instruments do you play??
nou nu komt het hoor!! trompet/bugel/euphonium/bas/piano/drum en xilofoon
44: Favorite piece of jewelery?
45: Last sport you played?
46: Last song you sang?
47: Favorite chat up line?
48: Have you ever used it?
wat gebruikt??
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
de kleine pauze op school met een aantal vriendinnen ;)
50: Who should answer these questions next?
iemand met veeeeel te veel vrije tijd zoals mij werkeloze buurman
En dat waren ze al weer.
zondag 2 maart 2014
ik heb gister even gezocht en heb nu toch nog wat muziek.
voor de bas/dance liefhebbers heb ik deze week:
monster van Eminem Ft.Rihanna
en Addicted To You van avicii
en voor de korps muziek liefhebbers heb ik:
jericho van bert appermont
componist niet.
en noah's ark daarvan weet ik helaas de componist niet van.
oke dit is het dan voor deze week.
zaterdag 1 maart 2014
ik wil wat over jullie weten
ik heb hier een paar poll's. ik zou het geweldig als jullie die zouden willen invullen.
dit zijn een paar kleine vraagjes maar ik ben gewoon benieuwd en mischien kan ik hiermee mijn blog verbeteren. en jullie krijgen later ook nog de antwoorden te zien.
tech news
Ik wil op mijn blog ook bezig gaan met tech en game news. tech dat is meer van computers en tablets en game news snap je neem ik aan wel.
motorola overgekocht door lenovo:
google had in 2012 voor 12,nogwat biljard dollar motorola overgekocht. nu heeft laatst google voor 2,9 biljard motorola verkocht aan lenovo. wij denken dat google eerst motorola had gekocht voor de macht met android. maar alle andere bedrijven die android gebruiken voor hun telefoons voelden zich hierdoor achter gelaten en dachten dat motorola werd voor getroken. nu google motorola weer heeft verkocht hopen ze de band met de andere bedrijven te herstellen. maar blijkt uiteindelijk dat google niet alles had verkocht maar 2/3 deel. volledige stuk: http://www.nutech.nl/mobiel/3688578/waarom-google-motorola-verkoopt-en-lenovo-interesse-heeft.html
thief is uit:
na lang wachten is het eindelijk zo ver. waar een hoop mensen op hebben gewacht. THIEF!! het is het vervolg op eerdere thief games. hij blijkt goed te zijn volgens een aantal bekende youtubers maar veel hoor ik er nog niet van. 2 leden van de yogscast spelen het wel en lijken er veel plezier aan te hebben. ik vind het persoonlijk een goed verhaal en de graphics zijn geweldig. volledige review: http://tweakers.net/reviews/3422/thief-meer-dan-de-campagne.html
minecraft film in productie:
warner bros. is na het succes van lego the movie gelijk naar mojang gestapt en om rechten gevraag van hun inmiddels bekendste game: minecraft. nu ze inmiddels de rechten ervoor hebben zijn ze gelijk begonnen. volledige stuk: http://www.nutech.nl/games/3714057/minecraft-film-in-maak.html
dit zijn een paar topics die ik heel leuk vond.
als ik meer leuke stukken vind zal ik ze posten. maar hier laat ik het bij voor vandaag.
mijn bezigheden
ik heb geen muziek voor vandaag omdat ik gewoon niet zoveel heb gedaan en dus niet zoveel heb mee gemaakt en omdat ik momenteel keihard moet oefenen op mijn trompet. Ik moet oefenen op mijn trompet omdat ik met 3 korpsen binnen kort naar concoursen moet. Een concours is een soort wedstrijd voor korpsen.
Het eerste concours is 8 maart met concordia ijlst.
daarna heb ik een paar concerten met het fjfo(fries jeugd fanfare orkest).
dan heb ik 2 mei het onfk(open nederlandse fanfare kampioenschap) met emm oudega
en dan later in juli gaan we met het fjfo naar rastede in duitsland.
ook ben ik deze week bezig geweest met school :(
we moeten voor geschiedenis een soort kranten bericht maken over een faal moment op de olympische winter spelen.
voor nederlands moet ik nog iets maken over en boek. ik ga een spel maken. een leuk oud spelletje memorie. als je het niet kent: het is een spel met allemaal kaartjes met plaatjes er op en dan moet je om de beurt 2 kaartjes omdraaien en moet je probeeren dezelfde plaatjes te krijgen. wie uiteindelijk de meeste setjes heeft wint.
we gaan met frans nog op "reis". we gaan niet echt op reis maar je moet een soort van beschrijving maken van een reis die je dan in frankrijk zou kunnen maken.
ook ben ik deze week gaan gamen want dat is iets wat ik graag doe. ik heb tekkit gespeeld op de computer. tekkit is minecraft alleen dan met een hele hoop uitbreidingen er bij. als je minecraft niet kent dan vraag ik me af onder welke steen jij bent geweest de afgelopen paar jaar. maar minecraft is een first person spel waarbij alles vierkant is en je moet probeeren te overleven. er zit niet echt een eind aan. ik heb deze vakantie ook cookie clicker gespeeld. het is een no live spel waarbij je op een koekje klikt. that's it. http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
ook ben ik deze week naar de bios geweest. ik ben daar naar de film "lego the movie" geweest. het is een super leuke film alleen vond ik het jammer dat ik in de bios zat met allemaal kinderen van rond de 8 jaar die hun bek niet konden houden :(
dit is dat mijn berichtje voor deze week. ik hoop volgende week weer een bericht klaar te hebben maar tot dan
woensdag 19 februari 2014
Dit is iets nieuws wat ik ga doen en ik wil jullie mening er over.
ik ga proberen elke week een aantal leuke liedjes bij elkaar te zoeken en soms een remix er van maken en soms ze gewoon zo publiceren. Dit zullen voornamelijk liedjes zijn die ik die week ben tegengekomen en leuk vond. Voor deze week heb ik een aantal verschillende genres.
Voor de dubstep liefhebbers onder ons heb ik een aantal verschillende opties:
best dubstep mix 2012 van Henrich Winside Achberger
en ik heb nog:
top of the pops mash up van mashup germany
Voor de mensen die meer van korps muziek houden(onder andere ik zelf) heb ik:
Pierius magnus van jan de haan
en amparita roca van jaime texador
Ik zal proberen volgende week een remix te hebben van een aantal vette nummers maar daar had ik deze week helaas geen tijd voor.
ik hoop dat jullie zoiets leuk vinden want ik vind het zeker leuk om te doen dus ik wil graag weten wat jullie er van vinden in de reacties en tot volgende week =D