zondag 22 juni 2014

ashamed of myself 2.0

Eey all!!

here is what I still wanted to say yesterday.

I am soon going on 2 vacations. Why 2 well that is because the 5th of July I am going to rastede. That is in Germany. Ps if you live in Germany or you are going to rastede to then I would love it to meet you. I am playing with what is called in Dutch: het frysk jeugd fanfare orkest. In English it would probably be the frysk youth fanfare orchestra. Something like that. I play there third trumpet. So if you are there please come and say hello.

then later I am going to Zeeland. Not the country but the province in the Netherlands. I am looking forward to that and I hope I will be posting a lot then.

well I think that was it. If you liked this post then pleas leave a +1 and if you want more then please follow this blog, it helps a lot, but until next time...


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